TAKE ADVANTAGE! You only get this period once…dive in and really discover how this business fits in your life, and earn TONS of free books and cash bonuses along the way!
🎉REWARDS…Woot! Woot!! As a new Brand Partner you have the opportunity to earn MANY bonus rewards in your first 8 weeks with the company.
As a new Brand Partner you can earn:
- Double free books on all eshow rewards links that hit $250 in sales. This is for your own links and hostess links!
- More free bonus book credit and swag!

Action Step: Print a StoryStart tracker or the sheet below and hang it up somewhere you can see it every day, so you can keep these goals in front of you! Mark the deadlines on your StoryStart sheet and/or calendar below. For example, if you joined on the 1st, your first deadline for level 1 will be the 14th. Check Back Office or ask your Team Leader for help with your dates.

By Introducing the Storymaker opportunity and having others activate their Brand Partner account will give you $25 in free book credit each time during your first 8 weeks! This is UNLIMITED! Click here for more information or talk to your team leader about our resources on recruiting.

Promote to Team Leader during your Storystart and your promotion bonus will double! Plus, you’ll get a 8.5% raise the next month! Click here to learn more about this!